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Top 10 Android Settings You Should Change Right Now

 I’m pretty sure most of you have been using Android for a number of years now just like me and I’m sure you’re all aware of all the basic options and settings in it. But there are various settings that you can change to really enhance your experience on Android.
What’s up guys today I’m going to Tell you 10 android settings that you should change right away. These options will definitely enhance your Android experience.

1.Number Row

 Gboard Everywhere

If you’re someone who types like I do that is very fast I’m sure typing a number slows you down. Nothing’s gonna slow you down now G board lets you have a separate number row in the keyboard. Now I’m pretty sure you’ve seen the separate number or in G board in some apps.
But if you want the number in G board everywhere here’s how to get it. Just go to the G board settings page here go to preferences and enable the number row option once done you should see the number row every time you have the G board keyboard open no more long pressing is moving to the symbols page to type numbers.
Also if you are annoyed by the autocorrection in G board. Just head to the G board settings page and here go to text correction and just disable auto-correction. This will make sure that G board won’t correct you but you’ll see the suggestion strip so you can correct yourself manually.

  2.Get Chrome

Address Bar to Bottom

If you have a huge phone then you know how tough it gets to access the address bar in Chrome when using the phone with one hand. Yes, it’s disastrous however there is a way to get the address bar in Chrome to the bottom and attain some peace here’s how to do it.
In the address bar of Chrome Type this “chrome://flags” which will take you to the chrome flags page here tap on the three-dot menu button and tap on the find in page.
Now search for the Chrome home flag change the flag from default to enabled once done upon relaunch now. that is it you should now see the address bar in chrome at the bottom.

 3.Hide Content

From Lock Screen

Lock screen notifications are handy right well not always people can easily see your personal and sensitive info from the notifications on the lock screen. who wants that so if you have been wondering how to hide sensitive content from the lock screen here’s how to do it.
There’s good with the notification settings tap on the Settings cog icon on the top right then just configure notifications to hide sensitive notification content once done you will see that the contents of the notifications are hidden from the lock screen.

 4.Instant Apps

Last year when Google announced Android nougat. It introduced a sleek new feature in-depth instant apps which would be apps that won’t be installed on your phone instead you’d be able to access these apps by the browser.
Try them and see if they are good enough to be installed seems handy right well after months of wait instant apps are finally available however you’ll have to enable them on your Android smartphone.
Just go to google settings you’ll find the instant apps option and simply enable it that’s it now let’s try an instant app just search for the app you want to try for instance.

 I am searching for the wish you can see the instant mark in its search result you can just tap on the link of the app and it will open up as any regular app it works just like any app work without digging up storage in your phone sadly not many app developers have updated their apps to support instant apps so you won’t find a lot of instant apps try right now

5.Speed Up Animations to

See Improved Performance

Android features various animations and transitions when you’re switching between different pages apps and they sure look fancy but at times the two seem to be slowing things down a bit.
Well, you can speed up animations to speed things up in your device first we’ll have to enable developer options for this just go to about phone app on the build number seven times to enable it.
Now go to the developer options in the settings page and scroll down till you find the animation scale options here you can speed up the window animation transitions and the animated duration scale.
I can set it to 0.5 X and you can see there’s a difference already everything just feels so fast you can even turn off notifications here to really speed up things but recommend you to choose 0.5 X for the perfect balance. If you’d like to see those fancy animations even better you can slow down the animations here

 6.Power Button to

To Launch Camera

There are situations that demand you to take out your phone quickly and capture a photo now these situations can be tough. But there is an option in Android that can make things a lot more easier. I’m talking about the ability to launch
I’m talking about the ability to launch the camera by double clicking the power button. To enable it just go to settings and search for press power button choice for a camera and you should find the option now enable it and that’s it.

 You just double press the lock button even when your phone is logged to activate the camera no more getting laid and capturing those perfect candidates.

7.Get Rid of New

App shortcuts

I install a lot of apps and if you do.You must have noticed that added automatically create shortcuts of the newly installed apps on the home screen. I’m not sure why shortcuts are created for every app out there.
If I want to see all my installed apps I would go to the app drawer right anyways this really messes up the home screen. Thankfully you can disable it you can just go to the Play Store settings in the Play Store obviously.
Here just untick the option that says add the icon to the home screen for new apps and that’s it you shouldn’t see any shortcuts for new apps that you installed what a relief.

  8.Smart storage

If it’s someone who’s struggling with low storage wars on your phone this setting is just the perfect one for you. I’m talking about the smart storage feature part of Android 7.1 as well as audio.
This feature removes photos and videos that are 90 days old and have been backed up in google photos to free up your internal storage. To enable this go to storage settings on your phone here you should see the smart storage option.

 This feature does is it removes photos and videos that are 90 days old and have been backed up in google photos to free up your internal storage. To enable this go to storage settings on your phone here you should see the smart storage option.
Just enable it and all your old photos back in Google Photos will be deleted do note that this feature is mostly available in stock Android phones

9.Google Play Protect

Google Play protect the recently rolled out security feature for Android scans the device for regular security threats and it’s pretty great. Well I know it’s enabled by default but there’s one option that’s not enabled and that is something I think you should enable for better security.
Go to Google settings here scroll down and goto the security option and app on Google Play now just enable the improve harmful app detection option this is important because most malware and viruses come via unverified apps from third-party sources and this option will give pay protect the rights to access unknown apps for better detection.

10.Enable Autofill

Service Android oreo brings autofill to Android so if you have passwords saved on your Google account by Chrome or if you have your passwords saved in a password manager you will be able to fill in your credentials inside Android apps with ease.
However, you have to enable the autofill service in a device go to languages and input settings on your Android Audio running device. Here you will find the autofill service option. Just select the auto-fill service you want you can select Google or you can select the third-party password management apart from passwords. You will also be able to autofill personal information addresses car details etc autofill in Android oreo is definitely one of my favorite features
You will also be able to autofill personal information addresses car details etc autofill in Android oreo is definitely one of my favorite features

"Well, these are the 10 Android settings that you should change right away. Let us know if you know of any other Android setting that we might have missed out on in the comment section below."

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